Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Poseidon Adventure (1972)

It's New Year's Eve, and the passengers of the SS Poseidon are celebrating. When the ship is flipped over by a massive wave shortly after midnight, killing many of the passengers, a small group decides to follow the opinionated and rebellious Reverend Scott (Gene Hackman) to presumed safety. Who will make it out alive? Dun dun dunnnn....

This film is a cult classic, extremely quotable, and one of my favorites. It's epic, it's campy, and it's full of memorable performances. Reverend Scott and Mike Rogo (Ernest Borgnine) butt heads the entire time, Linda Rogo (Stella Stevens, and the best character in the movie) throws in her cheeky one-liners, the Rosens (Jack Albertson and Shelley Winters) are old and adorable and sappy, the kids are kinda bratty, and lounge singer Nonnie (Carol Lynley) is so annoying you wish she'd stayed back with the others.

This film is good pure entertainment. Yes, the acting is over-the-top, yes that "Morning After" song will get stuck in your head, yes you may never want to go on a cruise ship again. But it's a fun watch, I promise!

And if you're wondering what gear you need to survive a cruise ship disaster, just ask Linda Rogo.
"Just panties, what else do I need?"

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