Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dredd 3D (2012)

In a violent, futuristic city where the police have the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner, a cop (Karl Urban) teams with a trainee (Olivia Thurlby) to take down a gang that deals the reality-altering drug, SLO-MO.

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Let me state up front that I've never read a single issue of 2000 AD. Though I grew up a comics kid, my knowledge of Judge Dredd prior to this film, was limited to a TV commercial I saw when I was 11 where Sylvester Stallone exclaimed that he was, "THE LAW!"...and then the, "making copies" guy mocked him. Even at such a young impressionable age, that commercial did nothing for me. But then again, I find machismo off-putting. Those gritted teeth and bulging biceps never did anything for me. I always favored Jim Lee and J. Scott Campbell over Rob Liefeld. So when I first heard of this latest cinematic incarnation of Dredd, my interest was less than zero. But then I took note of the people who brought this film to life: Alex Garland, Andrew Macdonald and Anthony Dod Mantle. The Danny Boyle Gang! Making a 3D film about a fascist super-cop? As intrigued as I was, it still wasn't enough to get me to actually go to a theater. Apparently the rest of America felt the same, which is a shame because THIS FILM IS FUCKING AWESOME!!! Do yourself a favor and either Netflix or Redbox this bad-boy so that you can get in near the ground-floor of a film cult while it's still in its infancy!

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