Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Woman in Black (2012)

I was at my mom's the other day, flipping channels because we had a couple hours before "Mad Men" started. We decided to get The Woman in Black on demand...thought it would be a scary good time. My family and I got cozy and settled in, and turned off the living room light.

Right off the bat, the unnerving tone was set: gloomy exteriors, creepy dolls, music boxes playing eerie tunes, somber looking children. We all joked about Harry Potter looking too young to play anyone's father. We got quiet and nervous as our hero Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe) poked around the freakiest old house you ever saw, and took turns yelling at the TV when he didn't get the hell out of there. My mom, who is a notoriously jumpy audience member, got a few good screams in. By the end, we all had our stomachs in knots from the tension. Scary good time? Mission accomplished!

I found myself thinking a lot about the film afterwards. I thought my friends Aaron and Becky might dig it, so I bought it and brought it over.  Not too long after starting it, Becky had to throw in the towel (we'll get you next time!) and Aaron and I bravely watched the rest. Aaron murmured a steady stream of "Oh fuck!" throughout the film and I had to move seats when a noise outside during an intense scene made me jump out of my skin! A scary good time was had again!

This film isn't perfect, but being that I like my creepy movies more atmospheric and unnerving than action-packed and gory, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Beware the woman in black!

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