Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How To Steal a Million (1966)

Nicole Bonnet (Audrey  Hepburn) is the daughter of a legendary art collector...and art forger. When he lends his prized Cellini Venus sculpture to a museum (which is also a fake) without realizing that the sculpture must undergo tests to prove its authenticity, Nicole plans to steal the piece to protect her father. Who will help her? Why that dashing, handsome burglar (Peter O'Toole) she caught in her home, of course!

This film is eye candy! Yes, Peter O'Toole as Simon Dermott is a total stud muffin, but I'm mostly referring to the colorful photography and costumes...Givenchy strikes again! Hepburn zips around in this teeny car in this very mod all-white outfit that includes matching helmet and round sunglasses. My favorite get-up is above...while trying to be incognito, she wears all black lace including a lace mask, and you can see her silver eye makeup shimmering underneath. It's all chic as hell.

Combine the visuals with solid performances from the leads, a lovely score by Johnny Williams (maybe you've heard some of his other work...Star Wars or a billion others, maybe?) and a fun plot, and you've got yourself a stylish and enjoyable film! And it's Audrey Hepburn...hard to go wrong there!

As of this writing, this film is available to watch instantly on Netflix. What are you waiting for?

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