Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972)

Growing up, I didn’t date very much. In fact, prior to my wife, I had only had two serious girlfriends. Sure I had plenty of crushes, but I never acted on them. I would just pine from afar. I only moved forward with something if I knew my chances of success were close to 100%. When you let someone know that you “like” them, you are figuratively giving them the power to destroy you. But even then it isn’t a sure thing. After a few weeks of dating my first high school girlfriend, she informed me that she needed to focus more on studying and our relationship was over. She signed my yearbook, “It was great getting to know you”. As a result, I became even more cautious. From then on, I was ready to split at the first sight of danger. College was a long series of leaving them before they could leave me. Finally that cycle stopped when I met my wife and came to learn to stop throwing in the towel when things started to get tough. We have now been together for almost ten years which is far longer than that period of fear and anxiety. But I still remember all those years. And that part of me that remembers really related to The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant…as well as all of the other women in this film.

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