Friday, January 17, 2025

The Magician

My mind is filled with memories of movie screenings. It's how my brain is organized. Small and large life events are all tied together with movies.

I can remember when I took the PSAT because I know that I took it the day after seeing Fight Club and the same day that I saw American Beauty. I can remember what year it was when all my Oregon family moved to Arizona because I saw Traffic at the Clackamas Town Center.

I have many memories of watching David Lynch films like watching Lost Highway on VHS with friends because we heard there was nudity in it or watching Mulholland Dr. in a limo on the way to senior prom. But the most memorable David Lynch screening was the first time i saw The Elephant Man.

Each fall in the late 90's and early 2000's, Cal State Long Beach would convert The Carpenter Performing Arts Center into a big movie theater and screen films shot in Scope. Over the years I got to see Halloween, A Shot in the Dark, Chinatown, Blazing Saddles, etc. Some I had seen before. Some I had not. The Elephant Man was a first time viewing.

It was during this inaugural viewing, that the film caught and burned. Typically an event like this would be greeted by angry jeers from the audience. But as I recall, we all just waited in the dark silence. This film had us so thoroughly in its grasp that not even this unexpected delay could break its spell.

In a manner of what felt like only a few minutes, the movie was back on and we all dove seamlessly back into the sooty blacks of Victorian England. The impromptu intermission in no way lessened the emotional catharsis at the end of that film.

It takes a special magician to cast a spell that strong. David Lynch was such a magician. In 2017 he was able to keep countless viewers the whole world over under his spell for the length of a whole summer as Twin Peaks The Return gradually unfurled over the course of eighteen chapters. Just like that audience I saw The Elephant Man with all those years before, we just dove right back in. Week after week.

Now the magician himself is gone. But his spell will go on forever.

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