Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Sight & Sound Challenge: Don't Look Now (1973)

Film: Don't Look Now (49/250) 
Critics Poll: 127th 
Directors Poll: 91st
First Time/Rewatch: Rewatch

Okay, so this makes 4 films made in the 70s in a row. I watched these all in early September, and that's when I watch my 70s films, or as Craig and I lovingly refer to them, "brown movies." I was interested in revisiting this one because I didn't love it the first time I saw it. This viewing, however, was a lot more enjoyable for me even though I still don't like the ending or parts of the score (a weird score can practically ruin a movie for me). For those unfamiliar with the film, Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie play a couple whose daughter has died. They go to Venice after her death and are faced with constant reminders of her there. It's made more interesting by the ominous undertones, Sutherland's character's possibly suppressed psychic abilities, foreshadowing, and the unusual use of time. I was pretty lost the first time I saw it, but the second viewing cleared up a lot of questions I had from the first time. It's a bizarre little thriller, creepy and effective. So, uh, DO LOOK NOW at this movie!


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