Film: Army of Shadows (32/250)
Critics Poll: 202nd
Directors Poll: 322nd
First Time/Rewatch: First Time
This one took a while for me to get into. I was confused about who was who and it seemed like not much was happening. I spent the first half enjoying the look of the film: the muddy colors, the careful use of light, the perpetually sunless sky. By the second half the plot really got going, highlighting the danger and brutality of the French resistance. These are complex characters, and I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel about them, but I couldn't stop watching them. I especially liked Simone Signoret as Mathilde; women often don't get roles in films like these, let alone a substantial role that allows her to do more than stand around looking pretty. She's vital to the plot and held my interest until the end. And a note about the end: I absolutely love end credits that feature shots of the principal players. It feels like the curtain call at the end of a play and celebrates each actor's contribution to the final film. And at the end of the day, this film is a pretty good one.
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