Thursday, April 16, 2015

Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter (2015)

One of the greatest things about film is its ability to generate empathy. By watching a film we gain the ability to see the world from the perspective of another. Most often this occurs whilst watching foreign films. Suddenly you are able to see something of yourself in someone who lives a world away that you share little in common with. Cinema also allows us to empathize with the insane. The hack way to do this is by swinging the camera around, playing with film stocks and obvious music. The more subtle way to do this is simply by placing the camera somewhere unconventional. Move the camera a little to the right or to the left and what was once common and mundane can suddenly become something weird and alien. All of a sudden you can maybe understand how someone can watch a movie and believe that they can find the treasure that was buried on screen. It's kind of like how someone can watch a movie and suddenly decide that they have it in them to make one. We all have our own little delusions.

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