Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Let The Good Blogs Roll!

Though unceremoniously let go by The Village Voice earlier this year, J. Hoberman continues to be one of the most insightful film critics out there. Where does he continue to be so insightful you might ask? Why on his wonderful Movie Journal blog for Artinfo of course! It's so wonderful in fact that we just added it to our blog roll! Wait, you guys have a blog roll? YES! It's right over there on the right (you might have to scroll up or down a little) under the title, "The Good Stuff" because that is precisely what awaits you there. Stuff from highfalutin' film critics, stuff from fancy-pants filmmakers and even stuff from average Janes and Joes like you or I! Oh and don't forget the Tumblr of movie barcodes! The one at the top of this post is from the, "These go to 11" sequence in This Is Spinal Tap. You can thank us later.

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