Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Ten Commandments is Hilarious (or, Thou Shalt Laugh Endlessly at Edward G. Robinson)

I actually enjoy this movie, and have seen it many many times. It's colorful, over-the-top, has some impressive-for-the-time special effects....and it's kind of hilarious. I can't help it! This overblown spectacle gets me giggling every time! Here are the five main reasons why I just can't keep it together...

5. 1950s Hollywood's version of Egypt...the big sets, blue-screens, glamorous slave girls and even more glamorous Egyptians, the acting. This is serious drama, people!

4. Everybody saying "Moses" twice. Seriously. "MOSES MOSES!" The entire movie.

3. The verbal bitchslaps, mainly between Anne Baxter and Yul Brynner as Nefretiri and Rameses.

Nefretiri: I could never love you.
Rameses: Does that matter? You will be my wife. You will come to me whenever I call you, and I will enjoy that very much. Whether you enjoy it or not is your own affair. But I think you will...


2. Moses' hair once he "sees" God.

The higher the hair, the closer to God....right?

1. The funniest thing ever: Vincent Price in this getup.

AHAHAHA I can't! As soon as he opens his mouth I go into stitches every time!
Oh, and here's an amusing faux-trailer for the film.

Watch out for the plagues!

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