Monday, January 21, 2013

CQ (2001)

A young American filmmaker (Jeremy Davies) in 1960s Paris must juggle directing a cheesy sci-fi film with directing his own personal art film.

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No matter how serious your cinematic tastes are, there have to be at least a couple films you love purely because they are fun. You cannot convince me that you grew up watching Ingmar Bergman films exclusively. And if this is the case, you're not someone I care to associate with. You can't eat broccoli for every meal, sometimes you need a scoop of ice cream. While it may be the smallest part of the food pyramid, it's there for a reason. And just as it is important to have a well-rounded meal, it is also important to have a well-rounded viewing regimen  God bless Roman Coppola for reconciling the two halves of his brain into a film that is both tasty and nutritious! CQ is the perfect synthesis of the commercial and experimental currents that were running through that turbulent and bi-polar decade we call The 60s! Only here will you find references to something as silly as Danger: Dialbolik commingling with references to something as avant-garde as David Holzman's Diary. Oh and that Angela Lindvall gal is pretty easy on the eyes too... Do yourself a favor and seek out this movie. It's good for your health!

1 comment:

  1. This is on my to-watch list actually! (Along with about a million other films haha). I started watching it but kept getting interrupted so I'll have to try it again, soon, without interruptions.
