Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Golden Globes 2015

Okay, I know if I was a good blogger I would've had this little recap up sooner, but Craig just HAD to post his write-up on Safe yesterday. So here we are (JK honey I love you sorry sorry sorry).

Anyway! Like all awards-show loving movie nerds, we watched the show in our finest pajama pants and slipper socks sipping from wine glasses filled with root beer, talking during commercial breaks about who we thought would take home the prizes and shushing each other when it came back on. Tina and Amy were great emcees as always, although I would have liked to see even more of them (it's their last year, people, COME ON.)

*Tina and Amy, Tina and Amy, Tina and Amy. Nobody was spared, and the infamous Bill Cosby jokes in particular were both cringeworthy and hilarious.
*Wins for Jeffrey Tambor and "Transparent"...this is first and foremost a film blog so we don't write about TV shows here, but this show is excellent and we can't recommend it enough.
*Bill Hader and Kristin Wiig presenting with "famous movie quotes." I love these two.

*Eddie Redmayne! Amy Adams! Julianne Moore! Michael Keaton! Unfortunately I'm a little behind on my movies and haven't yet seen Birdman, but I can assume these awards were all well earned.
*Lots of great heartfelt speeches, praising more roles for women and more visibility for the trans community and other minority groups.
*Boyhood and Grand Budapest Hotel taking the top awards. I have to roll my eyes when people complain about how movies today are crap...if you pay attention, there are real gems every year and these two films in particular made 2014 very special.
*Je Suis Charlie.

As award season comes and then goes, what would we like to see in 2015? More roles for women, written by women, directed by women, let's keep it going! And I'd like to see even more diversity in terms of ethnicity, age, etc. This is a great big world and I'd like to hear everyone's stories. 

Onward to the Oscars! Who do we think will take the big prize?? *cough* Boyhood *cough* probably *cough*

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