Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Big Chill (1983)

Though I only recently saw this film for the first time, I became aware of it years ago via a rather scathing piece in Vice titled, The Big Douche Chill. The piece (and the entire issue that contained it) mocks the film principally for self-seriousness. It ridicules the way in which Baby Boomers perpetuate the myth of their own greatness and importance. It also addresses the way in which this has given the younger generation a reverence and nostalgia for an era they had no part in. Why do certain songs continually get airplay? Is it because they are truly good songs? Or is it because Baby Boomers have shoved them down our throats? They control the media, they control the conversation. While all of these are valid statements about the post-War generation, that doesn't change the fact that this is a pretty good movie.

I'm glad that I didn't see this film before right now. Had I seen it as a child I might have fallen prey to the "Forrest Gump Effect" of end up loving it because I'm supposed to and I grew up with it. Had I seen it in my 20's I might have ridiculed it for being about a bunch of whimpering old fogies. Having just entered my thirties I am right now at the perfect age to take this film in. From this vantage point I am able to see parts of myself and my friends in the various characters populating this little pressure cooker. Perhaps in my 40's I'll look at this as a bunch of whining young brats who didn't know how good they had it. Who knows? What I do know is that right now, in this exact moment, I like this movie. And the soundtrack ain't too bad either.

Fun Fact: This film was #1 at the box office during the week I was born!

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