Monday, April 7, 2014

Enough Said (2013)

Nicole Holofcener might be the most consistent filmmaker out there. Each of her (to date) five feature films has been an absolute joy to watch. She writes people that feel believable and is not afraid of depicting us at our worst. And despite the awful things some of her characters say or do, you still find yourself feeling for them at least a little bit because you see a little bit of yourself in there. Despite the duplicity of Julia Louis-Dreyfus' character, you still want things to work out for her because on a level you know you would likely have made some of the same choices. And despite all of Gandolfini's annoying habits, you let it slide because down inside you know that you can be just as difficult. Add to this the fact that both leads are charming as all get-out and the deal is sealed. It's a shame that we lost James Gandolfini so young because I would willingly sit through a whole second film, even if it was nothing but these two wonderfully human lovebirds just sitting across from each other.

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