Thursday, August 11, 2011

Death At A Funeral (2007)

Daniel's (Matthew MacFadyen) father has died, and while he tries to keep things dignified at the funeral, the whole place is thrown into chaos as one crazy event after another occurs. One man takes what he thinks is Valium and ends up having a horrible trip where he ends up naked and talking to toilet paper. The wife of the deceased is mourning but still finds time to be bitchy to her son's wife. Everyone's fawning over Daniel's brother Robert, the famous writer. And then a mysterious stranger (Peter Dinklage, who is quite clearly THE MAN) appears and attempts to blackmail the family with some shocking photos of their father.

This movie is incredibly funny, and so very British. I have no idea why they needed to remake it...maybe they thought American audiences need more dumb humor? I don't know, but the original has just the right amount of ridiculous insanity, smart subtle humor, and genuine emotion. Peter Dinklage is hilarious, and the entire cast works together so well. There are a lot of familiar faces and unexpected twists and turns. Definitely worth a watch!

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