Tuesday, May 17, 2011

City of the Dead (aka Horror Hotel) (1960)

Beware of witches! City of the Dead is about a college student who travels to a mysterious village called Whitewood to do research on witchcraft for her class. She soon realizes that witches are alive and well in Whitewood and she appears to be their next victim! Dun dun dunnn!!

Christopher Lee plays the girl's professor, and while the rest of the cast are pretty much b-movie no-names (sorry, cast!), it's an entertaining watch if you're looking for some serious camp along with your 60s horror. From the spooky villagers to the naive student to the overly-foggy sets and witch chants, dead birds, the mute servant, and all the other bits of brilliance/nonsense, it's all just a lot of fun!

Keep an eye out for it in the bargain bin, as it appears Netflix doesn't have this little gem yet! Or, if you're bored, you can watch the whole thing right here!

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